Extreme close-up of a persons eye, an interesting idea that is eye-catching. It wouldn't be too hard to re-create the Dum Dum Girls album cover because it's photography. The only challenge might be the effects.

Pink Floyd 'Dark side of the moon'. This is a classic example of an album cover that has become famous purely for the graphics. Again this is a simple design but looks very effective.

The mars Volta - Frances the mute. This cover almost triggers confusion. Relating to the music.

I like the classic black and white effect on this album cover. It's almost abstract with the positioning of the beatle.
This particular Album cover was taken from the band who's song we are using for our video. The 'Yeah yeah yeahs' - zero. I really like the colours used for this album cover and i think the theme would fit in quite nicely with a 'dace' song.
Frank zapper's album cover is minimal and i like the idea of simplicity. It's a contrast to his music.
Here's where i found most of the album covers...
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